VentreeLife natural organics

Last Saturday, we drove to the Rudy Potato store on the island's other side. We were prompted by a small advert placed in Bowen Island Undercurrent about moringa samples that will be given away. Moringa was one of the first foods I introduced right from the beginning of my Health by Design Project. From what I learned, the best moringa should have a bright green colour and relatively strong taste, often resembling that of horseradish. At the time, we rely on food delivery, and luckily, I found a good quality product. 

Moringa is known as the "Miracle Tree" because of its unique nutrient content. Also, I found many examples of a very positive effect on rheumatoid arthritis cases, so I could not wait to try it. And after a week or so, the results supported the research - I was improving. Massively swollen ankles started to regain their original shape, and—this is probably the most significant change—my energy returned. 

Moringa became present in my diet, initially mixed with organic yogurt, added to smoothies, or mixed with water. I was very disappointed when the quality of the product I accustom to buy dramatically changed. The powder was brown and tasteless. Frankly, it was like eating dirt. Several packages ended up in the trash can. I started to search for another brand, but it was always a gamble. A few months ago, I bought a rather expensive pack on Amazon, and while the quality is not bad, it is still far from ideal. So, seeing the advert for VentreeLife Organics, I was curious - perhaps by pure coincidence, I will finally find a quality moringa right here on Bowen. A strange feeling that I should keep my book in the car, just in case, lingered around that Saturday morning. An intuition working hard to get me a message, you may say. 

Anyhow, I met Kim Elton and his wife at the store. Right away, I sensed I had found someone who cares a lot about moringa. And I can attest now, VentreeLife moringa is excellent. The quality is better than anything I tried over the last three years. Not only I got my free sample - I got a free regular bag and a taste in the form of moringa tea. Suddenly, the idea of having my book in the car started to make sense, but since I did not listen to my intuition, I drove back to Rudy with a copy of Health by Design Project. Two days later, Kim wrote that he had finished reading the book, along with many compliments. Exchange of good energy, that's for sure. 

VentreeLife sells 100% Pure Ugandan Moringa Powder, grown on Priceless Farms on the shores of Lake Kyoga and the White Nile River. Here is a little video from Priceless Farms. It is awe-inspiring. The taste, the colour, the potency - it is all there. If you are looking for good quality, affordable moringa, look no further. I know, my search is over.

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“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” ~ Albert Einstein