Water-only fasting

We can survive without food for several days, even weeks, but without water only for about three days. Now, how about living for 50 days on water only? Is it possible? Yes, it is. My cousin, Jerzy Afanasjew—his Patreon page for Polish-speaking readers—just finished his 50-day fasting. It wasn't the longest. He's done a few of those - I believe the longest lasted 60 days. Radical? Perhaps, but when I look at TrueNorth Health Center, founded in 1984 by Doctors Alan Goldhamer and Jennifer Marano, water-only fasting seems to be around for a while. It's been around for thousands of years. Wikipedia happily proclaims long-term fasting as part of an "alternative medicine" with "the concept of "detoxification" is marketing myth with few scientific bases for its rationale or efficacy." Sure, but that's just Wikipedia... Here is a fascinating discussion between Rich Roll and Dr. Alan Goldhamer.

Here is something interesting. Jerzy told me what happened when he completed his fast, and a cautious introduction to food began. He follows guidelines found in books by Giennadij Małachow (Генна́дий Петро́вич Мала́хов) and his own experience, starting with a few pieces of fruits and vegetables. After drinking only water for 50 days, the experience of eating something solid is mindblowing. You can almost feel the digestive processes. He said everything was going well until he tried a little meat - suddenly, animal protein intake created havoc in the body. Nothing extreme - he is okay. But because of how well his senses are tuned to receive messages from his body, he looks now at what T. Colin Campbell writes in The Future of Nutrition: An Insider's Look at the Science, Why We Keep Getting It Wrong, and How to Start Getting It Right with very different eyes. 

I am working towards eliminating animal products from my diet and switching towards whole-food, plant-based (WFPB). Although my freezer is still packed with fish, chicken and some free-range beef, I think I can complete the transition within a few months. It is exciting to look for new recipes, rediscover old ones, and see if the taste supports the direction - not only for me but also for my wife and son. Andrew Bernard or The Nard Dog Cooks YouTube channel presents a nice set of dishes full of flavours. I got a few books, so the next few months will hopefully turn into a culinary spring. 

Do you have any experience with fasting? I am tempted, but since I don't have much weight to lose, I will stay away from it. At least for now. Still, I don't eat anything between 6 PM (dinner) and 7:30 AM (breakfast), which is a lovely stretch of intermediate fasting.

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