“Future medicine will be based on controlling energy in the body” ~ Prof. William Tiller, Nobel Prize Laureate, Stanford University.

It is with much pleasure that I invite you to Balance Healing, a new chapter that fills me with great joy and a sense of accomplishment. After months of dedicated study, learning, and skill development, I am now a Level III Certified Practitioner in the Emotion Code®, Body Code™, and Belief Code® - modalities developed by the renowned Dr. Bradley Nelson and his team. As Dr. Nelson beautifully describes, these methods are not of this world - instead, they flow from the source of absolute truth - a divine gift available to every living being. I am excited to share the profound benefits of these modalities with you.

I am an architect, artist, and designer by training, with over thirty-five years of professional experience. Although I still love practicing design, my focus shifted towards a different type of art - the art of energy healing. Every day, I am amazed and grateful for the opportunity to work with people and help them restore their bodies' innate state of balance.

So, without further ado, dive in, and I hope you will find it fascinating as much as I do. Please let me know if you have any questions. I feel this is the beginning of a beautiful journey. We may meet somewhere on the way - distance or time are no obstacles to energy healing.


Energy Healing