Health by Design Project 2.0
It's been four years since I reclaimed my health from the "incident" called rheumatoid arthritis. What a journey! And the best part: It's not over yet. Recently, inspired by Markus Rothkranz, who offers his book Heal Yourself 101 for free, I did the same. You can download my eBook for free—you don't even need to leave your name or email—and I should have done it years ago. However, looking at the pages I wrote more than two years ago, I realized that several ideas captured in the book need an update.
First and foremost, the diet—I changed many eating habits when designing my recovery. However, what I eat now is very different from four years ago. There was a gradual transition towards a wholesome, plant-based menu. It took a while, but now I do not eat animal-based products and am trying to avoid processed food as much as possible. Many vegan options contain ingredients that are not necessarily good for the body. The simpler, the better, and frankly, most packaged food can be created at home with a blender. Turning off the chest freezer in the last days of April 2023 was a milestone, and I feel great about it. It was long overdue.
One key aspect of the design process is its never-ending feedback loop, considering options, possibilities, and solutions. Even though I feel great and full of energy, I always ask myself, "Is this all I can do?" Of course, it's not. So, what else can be done to take it to the next level? I found something I intend to try - another transition, this time, towards eating raw vegan food. I found several independent sources, examples, and stories I plan to include in my journey. It's not new - four years ago, I came across Mariusz Budrowski and his book Surowe Zdrowie - a Polish guy who promoted a raw vegan diet, but I was not ready to try it. But now, I see it differently and want to know if I can push a bit and influence the direction of my journey. Initially, I plan to eat raw until 6 PM or before dinner. Next, if all goes as planned, add or switch some of the dinner recipes to a raw plant-based option. I am not looking for a radical change - instead, I prefer a comfortable position where there is no need to distort the balance.
Speaking of balance, here is another major update central to what I do daily. After completing the Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code programs, I am a certified practitioner in those modalities. I help animals and people eliminate negative energies and unlock the body's innate healing ability, creating physical and emotional balance. I am so grateful for this new chapter of my life. I often wonder, is this the last portion of my Thirty-Thirty-Thirty matrix? Perhaps it is, or it is not. Who knows.
Since the best way to learn what energy healing brings is through a personal experience, the first one-hour session I offer is free. Click here to book it - it's worth trying.
“True success is achieved by the few who refuse to follow the rule “do as I do” and independently tread their own path.”
Lastly, following the format I used inside the book, let's look at some reading. Eckhart Tolle's classic The Power of Now is a delightful book I return to often. It fits well within the energy healing work, as does Gabor Maté's When Body Says No. Emotion after emotion, the author lists negative emotions as a leading cause of tragic endings. And yet, there is a way out of such a trap with a simple application of one of Dr. Bradley Nelson's modalities. The next book, or a series of books, I got hooked on are titles by Vadim Zeland. Not all of his work is translated into English - Reality Trunsurfing is a great place to start. The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock closes my list - another excellent volume expanding on the hidden science, but I don't see it as hidden - I use it daily. One may ask how distant energy healing works. How can you connect to a person thousands of miles away? The connection is instantaneous through what I believe Wilcock calls the Source Field.