Vegan curry recipe

This recipe was inspired by what I found in the Deliciously Ella Quick & Easy cookbook, with some influence from The Happy Pear videos. It is now present every week on the menu. Although the preparation time is longer, the result is lovely. And it freezes well, so the next dinner is ready without any prep time.


  • One 796 ml can of organic garbanzo beans, liquid discarded.

  • One 398 ml can of organic black, red or kidney beans rinsed well on a sieve.

  • Half of a 398 ml can of organic chopped tomatoes.

  • One 400 ml can of organic light coconut milk.

  • Two or three medium organic garnet or jewel yams, peeled and chopped into small cubes. Experiment with size - smaller will cook faster, while more significant take more time to soften.

  • One large organic yellow onion, roughly chopped.

  • One or two cloves of organic garlic, chopped.

  • A piece of organic ginger, chopped.

  • Organic sprouted firm tofu - 220g. After discharging the liquid, I cut the tofu into tiny bits.

  • A splash of organic tamari.

  • Two tablespoons of organic chia and hemp seeds.

  • One tablespoon of organic curry powder.

  • One tablespoon of organic garam masala powder.

  • A pinch of organic chilli flakes.

  • A pinch of salt.

  • One organic vegetable bouillon cube dissolved in half a glass of water

  • Two large tablespoons of Four Sigmatic plant-based protein powder (optional).

  • Some shredded organic coconut

  • Organic brown rice


In a large pot—I have a Le Creuset cast iron pot—add one spoon of organic olive oil, onions, garlic, ginger and chilli flakes. Fry on medium heat until onions are translucent. Be careful not to burn the garlic.

Add chopped yams, mix and pour in the dissolved bouillon cube.

Cover and simmer for 15 min or so. Use a fork to see if the yams are cooked. Do not overcook them.

Next, add coconut milk, all the dry seeds and spices. Finally, add the beans, peas, tofu, chopped tomatoes, and tamari. Mix all well, cover and simmer for another 15 min. Since chia and hemp seeds like to move to the bottom of the pot, don't forget to stir often and adjust the heat to low or medium. If you are using protein powder, add it at the end of cooking. Please note they will thicken the dish quite a bit.

Meanwhile, preheat the oven and place shredded organic coconut on a heatproof dish to roast it. Keep an eye on them. They burn fast.

I like to serve this curry with organic brown rice. How much rice to cook is up to you. I use a different method for cooking rice - measure the amount you need - in our case, two small measuring containers. Then, fill the pot with filtered water. No proportions - just a lot of water with a teaspoon of salt. Brown rice takes precisely 30 min to cook. So, when I start with the onions in the cast iron pot, I turn on the heat under the rice. Once the water is boiling, reduce the heat and cook it without the cover. Taste around 30 min mark - it should be ready. Use the lid to drain the water, and the rice is prepared. Serve curry over the rice sprinkled with roasted shredded coconut.

Also, the proportions listed above serve three quite hungry people, and there is enough to freeze for another dinner. If you like hot dishes, add more chilli flakes. Also, if you have organic baby spinach, add a large bunch at the end of the cooking. Myself, I prefer spinach on a sandwich.

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